State College, PA
Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church
We are located in State College, Pennsylvania
Our Lady of Victory is a Catholic Church in State College founded in 1917 with a current membership of over 2000 families. Compelled by the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we continue to serve State College and surrounding areas. In addition to our solid membership base, we recognize that State College is a highly visited area in Centre County and so we welcome all who are visiting the area. Please, come and worship with us!
Our mission is to welcome all people both churched and unchurched into the Body of Christ where through word, Sacrament, and community they can explore a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and as a result honor the great commandment of Jesus to love God and neighbor.
To view a video of the Architecture of OLV, please click below:
Apply NOW for the OLV Parish Scholarship for Saint Joseph’s Catholic Academy. Thanks to the generous donation of our parish families, OLV is offering scholarships to NEW Saint Joseph’s students (all grade levels). To be eligible for the Scholarship, the student must be a member of a family registered at OLV, have completed the online SJCA new student application for enrollment in Fall 2024. To learn more or receive scholarship application materials, contact Mr. Chris Kirkpatrick at chrisk@ourladyofvictory.com. The application deadline is Wednesday, May 17, 2024. Please click on the Saint Joseph Scholarship Application link above.
Our Lady of Victory Fall Bazaar - Saturday, October 26, 2024 from 8:30am to 4:00pm in the OLV School Gym.
The OLV Annual Parish Bazaar will be held on Saturday, October 26, 8;30am to 4:00pm in the OLV School Gym. We will have coffee and donuts from 8:30am to 10:00am. Kitchen opens from 10:00am to 2:00pm for lunch. Crafts, baked goods, Theme Baskets, Raffle Tickets, Silent Auction, Kids games, and gently used stuffed animals, games and toys, and live entertainment. Drawings for money raffle and theme baskets will be held at 30:30pm. Silent auction will end at 2:00pm. Winners do not be present to win.
Theme Baskets: As the summer draws to a close we are once again inviting all parishioners and groups to be involved in the yearly OLV Bazaar by making a Theme Basket. We are asking that the baskets be a minimum retail value of $50.00. Baskets can be dropped off at the rectory office starting the week of October 7. Please put your basket in a clear basket bag with the THEME BASKET TAG on the outside. The Baskets will be on display and tickets will be sold during the OLV Bazaar on Saturday, Oct. 26, in the OLV School Gym. Empty baskets to be filled are under the steps in the Church. If you have any large unused baskets, please leave them under the steps in the Church for others to use. If you have any questions, please call Steve or Deb McGregor at (814) 880-8900. THEME BASKET tags are available in the Gathering Space.
Calling all OLV Crafters! We will be starting our Crafts meetings to get ready for the upcoming Fall Bazaar and would love your help! Meetings are scheduled for: September 7 & 28, October 5, 12, and 19. All meetings will be held in the OLV Activities Center from 11:00am to 2:00pm. Come for the whole meeting or drop in when you can. All supplies will be provided, but if you have a favorite pair of scissors, bring them along, along with any ideas for projects to make and sell at the Bazaar. Any questions, please call or e-mail Pat Lutz, 814-466-6328 or patl4books@msn.com, or Joy Stauffer, 814-360-1801.
Volunteers Needed. We need your help to make our Bazaar a huge success! We need help for set up, tear down and help the day of the Bazaar. You can go to the site to volunteer: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E4DA8A92CA64-45549478-olvbazaar#/. If you have any questions, please contact Chris Kirkpatrick at chrisk@ourladyofvictory.com or 814-237-7832, ext. 404.
Check here for more information as it becomes available.
Saint Joseph Catholic Academy Car Raffle
Saint Joseph Catholic Academy is raffling off a 2024 Ford Bronco Everglades. Cost is $100 a ticket, $500 for 6 tickets. Maximum 200 tickets sold. Tickets are sold online only and through Octover 5, 2024. For more information, visit www.stjoeacad.org. To purchase a raffle ticket, click the link below.
Resources to Connect with the Church
Announcing Our New Parish Communication System
It is important during these times that we have a way to quickly and effectively communicate with our parishioners. Please sign up for updates from Our Lady of Victory. This is a new system so please sign up even if you think you are in our old system. This will also allow us to update our records. You can sign up by clicking on the button on the right or using the following link: https://ourladyofvictory10.flocknote.com/OLVParishioner
(Please note that we will use text messaging only when necessary).
Operations and Mass Updates
See Christmas and New Year's Schedule in the Mass and Confession section.
Confessions will be available on Saturdays from 4:00pm to 4:30pm and 6:00pm to 6:30pm, and Thursdays from 5:30pm to 6:00pm.
Church hours will be from 6:00am - 8:00pm.
The Church Office is open, but please try to correspond using email or phone calls.
Weekday Masses: Monday through Friday, 8:00am, Thursday 6:30pm, and Saturday at 9:00am. Weekly Mass schedule subject to change.
Sunday Masses are Saturday Vigil Mass at 5:00pm, Sunday at 7:30am, 9:30am & 11:30am. (No 11:30am Mass on Dec. 24)
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is Tuesday, from 8:30am to 4:00pm and Thursday from 8:30am with Reposition at 8:00pm. No Adoration on Dec. 26.
For First Communion, contact Anne Bord:
See the bulletin for Youth Ministry meeting times.
TO OUR OLV PARISH FAMILY, please consider making contributions in support of our Church especially during this difficult time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The church relies on Sunday collections to pay all bills, including teachers' salaries at school. If you do not feel comfortable attending Mass, please mail in your contributions or give online. No amount is considered too small. Any size gift is valued!
There are various ways to give: ONLINE, TEXT and MOBILE GIVING - Please visit the Online Giving & Development section of this website for more information.
Change to Mass Broadcast:
The OLV 9:30am Sunday Mass will no longer be broadcast on ESPN Radio 1450AM or 103.7FM.
Other options for watching or listening to a Catholic Mass are:
TV:WATM-23 (ABC affiliate) Sundays at 11:00am
TV: EWTN (Comcast Channel 54) Sat/Sun at 12:00am, 8:00am. 12:00pm, 7:00pm
Radio: Courtesy of Voice of Divine Mercy - We Are One Body (WAOB) Catholic Radio; local WJVM 90.3FM & WEJO 104.9FM - Sunday 12:00pm & 5:00pm. Daily Mass Sat. 10:00am, M-F 8:00am & 6:00pm.
Please navigate to the OLV YouTube section of the website or visit OLV's YouTube channel directly to view video reflections. Please check back regularly for new videos posted. We invite you and your family to watch them at your convenience.
Do you want to learn more about your faith?
Are there things about the faith that you don't understand?
Do your children or co-workers ask you questions about the faith that you cannot answer?
Or are you already pretty knowledgeable about the faith?
Regardless, this opportunity is for you!
Learning about the faith is a life-long journey, and there is always more to learn!
OLV will be offering Adult Catechesis classes each Sunday from 10:35-11:15 starting on September 8.
The program in the first year will be based on the video series "The Search" and "Symbolon."
Classes will be held in the Activities Center Assembly Room.
For more information or questions, please contact:
Group leaders Olivia and Paul Leskowicz (pocmjl@verizon.net) and
Roseanne McManus (RMcManus1@yahoo.com).
CATHOLIC SINGLES UNITED is a new group for single Catholics, from all walks of life in our area ages 35-55, who will gather one time each month for social outings. We will dine together, attend theater events, religious events, sports events, outdoor events and more! Sign up below using this online form and a group representative will be in touch with you to let you know of the next group event!