Other Opportunities and Organizations

Other Opportunities and Organizations

St. Paul’s Men’s Group

Coordinator: Andy Mazzarra | Email: afm126@arl.psu.edu

The Saint Paul’s Men’s Group, starting its 12th year, is an informal assembly of 15-20 men that get together at least twice a month early on Saturday morning (7:30am – 9:00am). The group discussions are based on the Catechism and the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church. The topics discussed range from social issues to current events to various religious matters.

Funeral Luncheons

Coordinator: Mary Ann Weakland | Phone: 814-237-7168

Parishioners offer comfort, support, and fellowship to grieving families by providing a luncheon for those attending a funeral. Food, provided by the parish and by volunteer cooks, is served for family and friends in the social hall. Volunteers are needed on a rotating basis to provide salads, casseroles, and desserts. Several volunteers are also needed for set-up, serving, and cleanup. To volunteer or for further information contact Mary Ann Weakland.

The Gabriel Project

Contact: Arlene | Phone: 814-867-5511

The Gabriel Project is a Pro-Life ministry, offering parish-based pastoral care to women in a crisis pregnancy. We offer them friendship and support, and prayer throughout their pregnancy as well as helping with all their practical needs to prepare for the birth of their baby. The GP offers hope, help and support to women in crisis pregnancy situations. GP provides a crib, complete layette, diapers, car seat and other items for the newborn. Diapers continue to be provided for 6 months after the baby is born. The Gabriel Project does not hold fundraisers, but relies on donations from individuals and other parish ministries. There is also a donation bin in the back of the church for the following items: diapers, sizes newborn - size 4, baby clothing (onesies, sleepers, hats, socks) sizes up to 1 year, receiving blankets, swaddlers, baby hygiene products, draft detergent, heavier blankets, pack and play sheets. Volunteers: Volunteers are welcome to help at the church on the days when mothers come to pick up diapers and other provisions.

Donut Committee

Contact: Amber Ligetti| Email: aligetti23@gmail.com

We serve donuts after the Sunday 9:30am mass in the Activities Center, Gardener Social Hall, to encourage community in our parish. Volunteers are always needed to help serve welcome!

Marian Gift Shop

Contact: Lesa Yeager | Email: ley11@scasd.org | Phone: 814-278-5288

The Marian Gift Shop sells religious items on Sundays from 9 to Noon. The Gift Shop is a resource for Rosaries, Crucifixes, Catholic Books/Bibles, Baptism items, Cards, Medals, and other religious items parishioners are looking for.We are always looking for new volunteers especially people who would be willing to learn the computer! We would love to be open during the week, we need volunteers that can do it then.

Interfaith Human Services

Contact: Kathy Hershbine | Phone: 814-808-6103 | Email: khersbine@gmail.com

Interfaith Human Services, Inc. (IHS), a registered non-profit organization in Centre County, is a long-standing collaborative effort of numerous local faith communities whose purpose is to address many unmet social and economic needs for low-income residents. Our Lady of Victory participates in this effort. Volunteers are needed in the IHS office, with furniture pick-ups, teaching energy conservation classes, or other special projects. The office is located at 251 Easterly Parkway Suite 200 and is open M-F 9:00 – 4:00. Bell-ringers are needed for the Wishing Well fund raising campaign to greet passersby at Meyer Dairy and The Corner Room. Meetings: All are welcome at IHS Board meetings on the 4th Tuesday of the month.

Elizabeth Ministry

Contact: Suzanne Hahn | Email: suzanneh@ourladyofvictory.com>

We meet in the Library of the Our Lady of Victory Activities Center to pray, encourage and support one another with issues related to, infertility, miscarriage, adoption, pregnancy and raising children. The common interests of current members include new/ young moms, infertility, miscarriage, adoption, single parenting, and the every-day joys and struggles of raising children. We are hoping to expand membership and welcome members with varying interests. Women volunteer to become Elizabeth Ministers or prayer partners in the areas they have experienced. For example, a woman who is raising young children may offer support to a mom who is new to our community. This support comes in the form of phone calls, cards, messages, visits, prayer, resources or other assistance. We also offer informational presentations on relevant topics. In celebration of life, we write baptism cards to the families of our parish who recently baptized their child. If you would like to receive prayers or support or if you have experienced any of this issues and could offer support to another woman, please join us!

Library Committee

Contact: Pat Lutz | Email: patl4books@msn.com | Phone: 814-466-6328

The Church Library Committee checks out books and receive them back and re-file on the bookshelves. They accept donations of books, evaluate them for suitability for inclusion in the library, if accepted, process and enter them in the library book database for reference. There are no "specific" meeting times, the library is open after the 9:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday. If there were more volunteers, we would be open longer on Sunday and possibly some week day days or evenings. To volunteer to staff the library, a person only need contact me.

Jared Boxes

Contact: Cindy Kolarik | Phone: 814-353-9343 | Email: thejaredbox@gmail.com

The Jared Box project was started in 2001 by the children at Our Lady of Victory School in State College, PA to honor their classmate and friend, Jared. He was a brave little boy who battled cancer with courage and faith that continues to inspire us all. A Jared Box is a shoebox size plastic storage box filled with small gifts, toys, cards, and games. Boxes are given to chronically ill children. Our goal is to lift the spirits of children in the hospital. Since the project was started, over 200,000 Jared Boxes have been made in 47 states across the country. If you are interested in making Jared Boxes, contact us at thejaredbox@gmail.com. To learn more www.thejaredbox.com. Locally, Mount Nittany Medical center loves getting Jared Boxes. They give boxes to children in the ER, outpatient surgery, patient floors, and at the Cancer Center.

Prison Ministry

Contact: Mary Ann Weakland | Phone: 814-237-7168 | Email: rcjw@comcast.net

We are privileged to have the Prison Ministry at both Rockview and Banner Prisons. The Rockview Ministry is usually on the second Sunday of the month, at which time we attend Mass and can speak with the men. On special occasions such as their Mission Week, which usually occurs in October, the Bishop comes and the culmination of the week is celebrated on a Sunday, which is called Dismas Sunday. Also, one may teach at the Bible studies on Saturday mornings and on Tuesday evenings there is Centering Prayer. Benner Prison Ministry is the fourth Sunday of the month at the Mass in the evening. There is also opportunity to teach and pray with the men at Benner. In order to be admitted to the prison, you must fill in a "Clearance Sheet" and return it to the prison. They will notify you if you have been "cleared". This procedure must be updated yearly.

The Bazaar Committee

Chair: Chris Kirkpatrick, Director of Development | Emai: chrisk@ourladyofvictory.com | Phone: 814-237-7832 ext 204.

The Annual Bazaar started as a social and fund-raising ministry to provide fun, good food, and great Holiday crafts. In 1963 the Bazaar helped kick off the fund-raising initiative for the Million Dollar Building Campaign to build the new School and Church complex on Westerly Parkway. For years it was called the Election Day Bazaar since it was held on Election Day. Over the years the funds raised have gone to special projects for the Parish, School and Preschool. Currently The Bazaar Committee is made up the following sub committees: Kitchen and Food Preparation; Money Raffle, Craft makers and sellers; Theme Basket Raffle: Home Baked Goods; Silent Auction; Children Games; Pull Tab game of chance; PSU Tail Gate and sale of slightly used Toys, Games and puzzles. ALL Parishioners are invited to join and help organize the activities of the Bazaar and All are encouraged to invite their friends to come with them and take part in all the fun and activities.

Rosary Makers


Jackie Fritton | Email: jmfritton@comcast.net | Phone: 814-237-5595

Laura Schneider | Email: ljschneider41@yahoo.com | Phone: 814-238-8782.

Rosary Makers make rosaries for the missions and for special gifts. We also repair rosaries. The meetings are the second Tuesday of the month after the 9:00 a.m. Mass, in the library of the Activities Center (except no meetings are held in July and August). Anyone may join—members are needed!

Prayer Ministries

Eucharistic Adoration

Coordinator: Janine Surovec | Email: janine.surovec@gmail.com | Phone: (814-571-7195

All are welcome and encouraged to some spend time with Our Lord each Thursday. The Blessed Sacrament is exposed for adoration following the 7:00 a.m. Mass up until 11:00 p.m. (with a break for the 9 a.m. Mass). Two people must be present at all times to ensure the safety of the Blessed Sacrament. Volunteers are needed to serve either as committed adorers or as substitutes. Contact Janine Surovec to volunteer.

Daily Rosary


All are welcome to participate in a group recitation of the Rosary daily from Monday through Saturday before the 9:00 a.m. Mass. The Rosary begins at 8:35 a.m. daily except for Thursdays which begin at 8:30 am. If you would like to volunteer as a substitute leader, contact Kay Tittmann.

Pro-Life Rosary

Coordinator: Christine Irvin | Phone: (814) 238-8018

All are welcome to participate in a group Rosary each Tuesday evening immediately following the 7:00 p.m. Mass. This Rosary is offered for the protection of all human life, from conception to natural death. Volunteers are needed to lead the Rosary on a rotating schedule; contact Christine Irvin for further information.

Music Ministries

  • Organists: OLV currently has five regular organists that play at each of the five regular Sunday Masses. They also may play for weddings and funerals, as requested. Anyone who has some experience at playing organ should contact Music Director Joe Malafarina (237-7832 Ext. 223) to see if they can fit into the OLV organist program.

  • Cantors: There are more than 20 regular cantors who serve the OLV parish by singing and leading the congregation through the monthly Mass schedule. Singers are always welcome to see if they are called to serve as a cantor at mass. Coaching and guidance are provided by the Music Director and assisted by other cantors.

  • Sanctuary Choir: The regular adult choir for OLV sings at three Masses during a typical month during the choir season, which runs from September through the end of May. The choir, led by the Music Director, rehearses each Thursday evening from 7 to 9 PM in the Music Suite of the Activities Center. Anyone with a desire to sing can show up at rehearsal and offer their voices to the choir.

  • Instrumentalists/Musicians: In the course of the year there are several occasions where instrumentalists are needed to augment celebrations of the Mass. Usually musical arrangements indicate the instruments needed for that particular piece of music and accompaniment arrangements are provided. The Music Director is anxious to compile an up-to-date list of available musicians to fill future needs. If you would like to be placed on that “call list”, please call Joe at: 237-7832 (ext. 223) or 571-3088 and leave a message.

  • Contemporary Ensemble: The CE is a small, folk-oriented ensemble, led by Mary Weidenhof. The group sings three Sundays a month and rehearses the hour before Mass. They sing at either 9:30 Mass or Noon Mass, depending on the schedule. The group includes singers, piano, guitars and flute with occasional percussion instruments. This is a great entry level ensemble that offers a low stress and fun experience. Call Mary at: 814-571-2552 if you have any questions or to discuss your participation.

  • Resurrection Choir: The group of mostly retired seniors sings at funerals throughout the year. This is a low pressure group that enjoys supporting families as they go through a most difficult time in their lives. The group rehearses monthly to prepare for any changes or special requests for upcoming funerals.

  • Spirits of Fire: A youth-based group also includes adults with the “spirit of fire” and performs at 5 PM Mass on one Sunday of the month. SOF rehearses at 7 PM in the Activities Center Music Suites on the Wednesday before they play. This group includes piano, guitars, drums, instrumentalists and singers. The group is especially suited for parishioners who have varied schedules. Walk-ins are encouraged. Show up before Mass and join in!

  • Handbell Choir - Please contact Joe Malafarina, Music Director at 814-237-7832, ext. 423 or email Joem@ourladyofvictory.com if you are interested in playing handbells or learning to play handbells.

Youth Groups

OLV Boy Scouts (Troop 83)


Brian Shunk, Scoutmaster | Email: shunkscout@gmail.com

Joe Strigle, Committee Chairman | striglej@hotmail.com

Troop 83 is sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. The Troop is comprised of approximately 25 boys and it has been in existence for over 60 years. Troop 83 prides itself in its commitment to youth leadership and its active outdoor and high adventure program. With more than 130 Merit Badges—from Archery and Art to Welding and Wilderness Survival—Scouting is the ultimate form of learning by doing. Boy Scouts explore their interests and improve their skills while working toward Scouting’s highest rank: Eagle. By first imagining, planning, then doing their own service projects, Boy Scouts learn the value of hard work, and experience the thrill of seeing it pay off. Add in outdoor adventures, hiking and camping, and Scouting gives boys all the experience they need to become men. The Troop meets on Wednesday nights at 7PM at the Knight's Hall on Stratford Drive, drop by for a visit.

OLV Cub Scouts (Pack 383)

Contact: Brent Laskowski | Email: brentlas@comcast.net | Phone: (814) 441-3699

Our Lady of Victory has been the charter sponsor of Cub Scout Pack 383 for over 28 years. The Cub Scout program is meant to provide families with boys in 1st through 5th grade with opportunities to spend time teaching their sons new skills and reinforcing values while having fun. After all when you’re a kid, fun comes first. With a program expertly tailored to match each age in a young boy’s life, Cub Scouts learn that even when fun isn’t easy, it’s always an ADVENTURE. In Scouting, everything has a purpose. And it shows kids that doing their best is the most fun of all. Scouting helps build children’s character, fitness, citizenship, and faith with a strong focus on the outdoors. In OLV Pack 383 many boys pursue scouting religious emblems as another way to continue their faith development. If you would like to learn more about the scouting program for your family or how you can get involved as a volunteer please contact Brent Laskowski.