Confirmation and
High School Religious Education
High School Religious Education and Confirmation
The Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown requires a 3 year preparation for receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. The preparation to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation begins in the 9th grade and continues through the 11th grade. Please find below the information about the 3 years of formation culminating in the receipt of the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Catholic faith.
9th and 10th Grade Confirmation Program
For questions or more information please contact:
Anne Bord
814-237-7832 ext. 421
11th Grade Confirmation Program
For questions or more information please contact:
Deacon David Lapinski
814-237-7832 ext. 259
Confirmation Forms
Also found in the Church Forms section of this website9th and 10th Grade Confirmation Program
click arrow to expandNinth & tenth grade students CCD (public) students will meet with their teachers each Sunday at OLVCS from 10:30am-11:20am. St. Joe's Students are not required to attend Sunday classes as they receive catechesis on a daily basis during the school week. However, they are welcome to come on Sundays if they wish. Please see opportunities for discipleship and community service below for ALL public, private, and home educated Confirmation Track Students.
9th & 10th Grade Required Components for ALL Students
Choose your Confirmation Sponsor to pray with you and walk with you on your journey towards Confirmation. (See form below):
*Requirements as per the Code of Canon Law:
A. Only one male sponsor or one female sponsor for a Confirmation candidate is to be used.
B. Must have completed the sixteenth (16) year.
C. Must be a Catholic who has received the sacraments of Baptism, Most Holy Eucharist & Confirmation.
D. If married, must be a Catholic who has received the sacrament of Holy Matrimony in the Church.
E. Must be a Catholic who leads a life in harmony with the Catholic Church (registered and active [going to Sunday Mass] in a Catholic Church).
II. Documents Required from the Sponsor of a Person to be Confirmed:
A. A copy of sponsor’s Baptism Certificate, First Communion Certificate, Confirmation Certificate and if married, a copy of the Marriage Certificate.
B. A letter from the pastor where the sponsor is registered and active, stating he or she is registered and active and qualifies to be a sponsor.
Opportunities for Discipleship
Confirmation Prep Talks for all Confirmation Track students enrolled in our religious education program will be given by Paul J Kim on Sunday, Feb. 2 of 2025 here at OLV in the Activity Center Social Hall & Church. Dinner will be provided for attending Confirmation Track Teens. Paul J. Kim is an international Catholic speaker, musician, and comedian. His presentations have impacted people of all ages in 48 states and 16 countries over the past decade, leading them to life-changing encounters with Christ.
Adoration with our Diocesan Bishop: Most Reverend Mark L. Bartchak. Time this year is TBD.
SHYCON (Senior High Youth Conference) This event will be held this year on Sunday, October 27, 2004 from 11:00am-4:00pm at the Stokes Athletic Center in St. Francis University, Loretto, PA. The theme this year is: Do ALL things out of LOVE. Our parish students will be taken to this event by bus, meeting at OLVCS parking lot no later than 9:30am. Chaperones are needed. Registrations forms will be at the church office for pickup. They will also be handed out during religious education classes. Registration forms are due back to Ms. Bord NO LATER than Sunday, Sept. 29th for those wishing to participate. This year's Keynote Speaker is Steve Angrisano.
25 Hrs. of Community Service
Confirmtation students will need to document
25 hours of community during their time in high school.
Get involved with parish life to continue your journey
after you are Confirmed as an adult in our church!
Church Sponsored Activities
Individual community service opportunities
a. Serve mass. Older altar servers are great models to help train the younger students.
b. Be a lector, commentator or usher at mass. Please contact the Parish office at 814-237-7832 if interested.
Lectors proclaim the Scriptures during the celebration of the Mass. They must be Catholics who have received the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist and regularly receive the Sacraments. Lectors prepare the readings with prayerful reflection and are skilled in speaking clearly and confidently. Lectors are prepared for this ministry by a parishioner appointed by the Pastor.
Commentators read the General Intercessions in the absence of a deacon. They may also make announcements before Mass or following the Prayer after Communion. Commentators are trained with the Lectors.
c. Serve as a volunteer for the Jared Box Project: Mrs. Cindy Kolarik needs volunteers for data entry work
regarding contacts across the country for the Jared Box Project: This is great for those
who need flexible volunteer hours. Please contact her if you are interested:
d. Volunteer at St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Shop:
Group service Opportunities
Community Service Hours Form This includes a description of what you did and a brief reflection regarding how you felt about serving others. This form must be signed by a parent. Hours do not have to be in addition to required hours for school.
a. Participate in the Red Cross Blood Drive sponsored by OLV CCD Confirmation Track Students; 03/29/25.
Sign up here to participate as a volunteer the day of the Blood Drive:
Check ins
Canteen Station
Publicity Team: Bulletin Announcemnets, Pulpit Announcement, Posters, Digital Marketing
Canvas our area to enlist people in signing up to donate:
For an appointment, please visit (Will be published closer to drive date.)
Search for: OLVconfirmation (Will be published closer to drive date.)
Or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
b. Serve as a volunteer for Vacation Bible School & Earn 15-20 service hours for the year by volunteering for that week.
c. Volunteer at the Parish Bazaar the first Saturday every November.
d. Serve as a volunteer for parish parties, such as the All Saints & St. Nicholas Parties.
e. Sing with the church choir. Are you in choir or band at school? You can earn your community service hours using your talents as a volunteer for our parish music ministry. Be a cantor, sing with the choir, play your instrument at one of our masses with or without the choir. Contact our music director, Joe Malafarina: if you are willing to volunteer.
f. Participate in Living Stations during the months before Easter. Earn ALL your service hours for the year! Contact the coordinator, Mrs. Sue Clement, for more information:
*Non-Speaking Actor
*State Crew
g. Volunteer with the Knights of Columbus at Penn State Home Football Game Concession Stands. Monies earned fund K of C projects which benefit our parish. If you are interested and available please email: Here are some things to consider when thinking about volunteering:
Students must be at least 16 years of age.
Parents are welcome to volunteer.
Transportation costs (such as the Game Day Shuttle) will be reimbursed.
Students will receive no less than six (6) Service Hours! Yeah!
9th & 10th grade contact; Anne Bord:
Q: Why does my child need service hours to be Confirmed?
A: The idea is to get your child involved in parish ministry and life of the church. If they do this when they are young, and it becomes part of their life, they are more likely to continue to serve their parish and our church, wherever they live in the future. Our kids are the future of our church. They need to serve the church as the church will need to minister to them. A relationship takes work from both groups; the church and its people. Our goal is to prepare Confirmation Track students to be an active parishioners the rest of their lives. We want them to feel welcome and see the spiritual and social benefits of being involved in parish ministry. Self-giving is an important lesson that needs to be taught early. Confirmation is not graduation from the Catholic Church. It should be the beginning of life as an adult within our church!
11th Grade Confirmation
09/08/24 (Mandatory meeting for ALL parents & Confirmandi)
*All 11th graders preparing for Confirmation*
(SCAHS, St. Joseph Catholic Academy & Homeschooled Students)
are required to attend an opening class on Sept. 8th, 2024 from 1:15pm-2:30pm in the church.
Eleventh grade students CCD students will meet with Deacon David Lapinski, according to his schedule for two Sundays each month: The Dates for 2024/2025 are: 09/08, 9/22, 10/06, 10/20, 11/03, 11/17, 12/08, 01/12, 01/26, 02/02 -Paul J. Kim Retreat, 02/16, 03/02, 03/16, 04/06. All dates are subject to change. This is not likely. However, if that happens, Deacon Dave will be in touch with parents and students. ALL Eleventh grade students are who are in the OLV religious education program are required to attend these classes. St. Joseph's Catholic Academy & Homeschool students are welcome to join.
11th Grade (SCAHS, St. Joseph Catholic Academy & Homeschooled Students) Grade Confirmation program components:
Parent/Youth Meeting for all students:
09/08/24, 1:15pm-2:30pm @ the Church
Opportunities for Discipleship
11th Grade Retreat: Discipleship ZOOM Retreat through Bethany Retreat Services. Please see Deacon Dave to sign your child up if you have not already. The dates for this series of online retreats are: TBD (If a Confirmandi does not have a sponsor yet at the time of this retreat, a parent must attend this ZOOM retreat with their child.)
Confirmation Prep Talks for all Confirmation Track students enrolled in our religious education program will be given by Paul J Kim on Sunday, Feb. 2 of 2025 here at OLV in the Activity Center Social Hall & Church. Dinner will be provided for attending Confirmation Track Teens. Paul J. Kim is an international Catholic speaker, musician, and comedian. His presentations have impacted people of all ages in 48 states and 16 countries over the past decade, leading them to life-changing encounters with Christ.
Adoration with our Diocesan Bishop: Most Reverend Mark L. Bartchak. Time this year is TBD.
SHYCON (Senior High Youth Conference) This event will be held this year on Sunday, October 27, 2004 from 11:00am-4:00pm at the Stokes Athletic Center in St. Francis University, Loretto, PA. The theme this year is: Do ALL things out of LOVE. Our parish students will be taken to this event by bus, meeting at OLVCS parking lot no later than 9:30am. Chaperones are needed. Registrations forms will be at the church office for pickup. They will also be handed out during religious education classes. Registration forms are due back to Ms. Bord NO LATER than Sunday, Sept. 29th for those wishing to participate. This year's Keynote Speaker is Steve Angrisano.
25 Hrs. of Community Service
Confirmtation students will need to document
25 hours of community during their time in high school.
Get involved with parish life to continue your journey
after you are Confirmed as an adult in our church!
Church Sponsored Service Activities
Individual community service opportunities
a. Serve mass. Older altar servers are great models to help train the younger students.
b. Be a lector, commentator or usher at mass. Please contact the Parish office at 814-237-7832 if interested.
Lectors proclaim the Scriptures during the celebration of the Mass. They must be Catholics who have received the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist and regularly receive the Sacraments. Lectors prepare the readings with prayerful reflection and are skilled in speaking clearly and confidently. Lectors are prepared for this ministry by a parishioner appointed by the Pastor.
Commentators read the General Intercessions in the absence of a deacon. They may also make announcements before Mass or following the Prayer after Communion. Commentators are trained with the Lectors.
c. Serve as a volunteer for the Jared Box Project: Mrs. Cindy Kolarik needs volunteers for data entry work
regarding contacts across the country for the Jared Box Project: This is great for those
who need flexible volunteer hours. Please contact her if you are interested:
d. Volunteer at St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Shop:
Group service Opportunities
Community Service Hours Form This includes a description of what you did and a brief reflection regarding how you felt about serving others. This form must be signed by a parent. Hours do not have to be in addition to required hours for school.
a. Participate in the Red Cross Blood Drive sponsored by OLV CCD Confirmation Track Students; 03/29/25.
Sign up here to participate as a volunteer the day of the Blood Drive:
Check ins
Canteen Station
Publicity Team: Bulletin Announcemnets, Pulpit Announcement, Posters, Digital Marketing
Canvas our area to enlist people in signing up to donate:
For an appointment, please visit (Will be published closer to drive date.)
Search for: OLVconfirmation (Will be published closer to drive date.)
Or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
b. Serve as a volunteer for Vacation Bible School & Earn 15-20 service hours for the year by volunteering for that week.
c. Volunteer at the Parish Bazaar the first Saturday every November.
d. Serve as a volunteer for parish parties, such as the All Saints & St. Nicholas Parties.
e. Sing with the church choir. Are you in choir or band at school? You can earn your community service hours using your talents as a volunteer for our parish music ministry. Be a cantor, sing with the choir, play your instrument at one of our masses with or without the choir. Contact our music director, Joe Malafarina: if you are willing to volunteer.
f. Participate in Living Stations during the months before Easter. Earn ALL your service hours for the year! Contact the coordinator, Mrs. Sue Clement, for more information:
*Non-Speaking Actor
*State Crew
g. Volunteer with the Knights of Columbus at Penn State Home Football Game Concession Stands. Monies earned fund K of C projects which benefit our parish. If you are interested and available please email: Here are some things to consider when thinking about volunteering:
Students must be at least 16 years of age.
Parents are welcome to volunteer.
Transportation costs (such as the Game Day Shuttle) will be reimbursed.
Students will receive no less than six (6) Service Hours! Yeah!
11th grade contact; Deacon David Lapinski:
Confirmation Rehearsal: Wednesday, May 28th, 2025 in Church
Confirmation Date: Monday, June 2nd, 2025 @ 6:00pm in Church
(Confirmandi & Sponsor report no later that 5:30pm)
Q: Why does my child need service hours to be Confirmed?
A: The idea is to get your child involved in parish ministry and life of the church. If they do this when they are young, and it becomes part of their life, they are more likely to continue to serve their parish and our church, wherever they live in the future. Our kids are the future of our church. They need to serve the church as the church will need to minister to them. A relationship takes work from both groups; the church and its people. Our goal is to prepare Confirmation Track students to be an active parishioners the rest of their lives. We want them to feel welcome and see the spiritual and social benefits of being involved in parish ministry. Self-giving is an important lesson that needs to be taught early. Confirmation is not graduation from the Catholic Church. It should be the beginning of life as an adult within our church!